"By hour" package during weekends and evenings
Bookings with the "by hour" package are not possible during the time slots of the "evening" and "weekend" packages.
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Kilometers limit
There is no kilometer limit on your bookings. You can drive as long as you want.
Create a pro booking after 8 PM
If you need to create a pro booking after 8PM, please contact the support to do it : mail to support@moovee-mobility.com extend your booking form · The creation of reservations by Moovee is only possible during office hours, i.e. from 9am to 6pm, ...
Objects left inside a vehicle / Headlights on
If you forget an object in the vehicle/leave the headlights on, at the end of your reservation and you can no longer open the vehicle, just create a new reservation on that vehicle (professional or "by hour") so that you can access the vehicle ...
Question concerning the price of the reservation
When creating a private reservation, a deposit of 50€ is blocked on the user's bank card, like a bank imprint. This amount will be released at the end of the reservation if the mileage does not exceed the estimated total amount, otherwise the ...
How to use
Please check the doc here attached